Willem de Kooning. Late Paintings

The exhibition Willem de Kooning: Late Paintings, curated by Julie Sylvester, which has been achieved in collaboration with The Willem de Kooning Foundation of New York, presents sixteen paintings made by de Kooning in the years 1981-1988.
These are the last works of the great american artist, conceived and painted in a state of happy solitude in his studio on Long Island, where he lived steadily from 1963. The works come from the de Kooning Foundation and from a private American collection.
Electa, curated by Gianni Mercurio, Julie Sylvester
Tuesday-sunday 9.00 am - 7.00 pm
Ticket for the museum and the exibition
€ 6.00 full price, € 4.00 reduced price
06 82059127 every day 9.00 am – 7.30 pm
Comune di Roma – Assessorato alle Politiche Culturali,
Sovraintendenza ai Beni Culturali
The Willem de Kooning Foundation, New York
Regione Lazio
With the contribuition of: Acea, Vodafone
La Repubblica, Radio Dimensione Suono Roma