Cruor. Renata Rampazzi

Temporarily suspended
14 paintings, a series of sketches and an installation by Renata Rampazzi.
Installation by the artist Renata Rampazzi already presented at the G. Cini Foundation in Venice.
CRUOR, blood in Latin, is a theme that has ancient roots: the blood of Christ, the blood of the martyrs are at the very origin of Christian art and have been dealt with in the most diverse ways as historical circumstances change. On this occasion, it expresses the artist's urgency to reflect on the theme of violence against women.
His works, which cover a period of time from 1977 to 2020, are divided into Compositions, Wounds, Red Suspensions, Lacerations, up to the Cruor installation in 2018.
By mixing soils and pigments, Renata Rampazzi painted about thirty bandages, symbolizing the dressings of the wounds suffered by women, in a variation of reds, from the most tenuous to the most vivid. Hanging from the ceiling on staggered floors, like a sort of stage curtain, these 4x1 meter long drapes invite the visitor to enter an emotional labyrinth, in which one enters the suffering and deprivation of one's identity due to violence, thanks also to the captivating atmosphere created by the music of Minassian, Ligeti and Gerbarec.
In the artist's intent, the exhibition aims to be a journey in which the visitor must feel physically involved, an emotional journey more evoking than explicative, in a high moral and intellectual tension, of the tremendous phenomenon of violence against women that despite not told in a manifest manner nevertheless comes out evident and urgent, thanks to the red color present on all the works on display.
A round table facing the issue of violence against women from different points of view and experiences will be held. Discussing this topic will be Dacia Maraini, writer, Luciana Castellina, politician, Chiara Valentini, journalist and essayist, Margarethe Von Trotta, director, Francesca Medioli, historian, Massimo Ammanniti, psychoanalyst, and Renata Rampazzi.
The exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue (Edizioni Sabinae, bilingual Italian, English) with texts by Dacia Maraini, Maria Vittoria Marini Clarelli and Claudio Strinati and a testimony of the artist.
Part of the catalogue sales are donated to the “Associazione Differenza Donna”.
From September 17th 2020 to February 28th 2021 - Extended to 5 April 2021
From Monday to Friday 10.00 - 16.00 (admission allowed until 15.30)
ALWAYS REFER TO THE NOTICES before planning your visit to the museum.
Call 060608 (every day 9.00 – 19.00)
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