Tokyo Landscape - The exhibition

The photographer Antonio Saba and the writer Gianluca Floris lead the visitor through the different souls, places, and features one of the largest cities on the planet.
TOKYO LANDSCAPE, the project
Tokyo Landscape is a multimedia project which accompanies the spectator with photographs, descriptions, visual and aural stimulus through the many aspects of Tokyo: the most liveable megalopolis of the planet. A lot more than a guide, little less than a journey. A photographic exhibition, a book and more. Tokyo Landscape is work in progress.
TOKYO LANDSCAPE, the exhibition
The first outing of Tokyo Landscape appears in the form of a photographic exhibition clearly underlining the various meanings and intentions of the entire project. The exhibition communicates through the bilateral aspect of image and word in the same way as an ideogram. Fifteen stories, fifteen aluminium panels with desaturated, dusted and metalized colours; united and commentated on by separate individual columns containing short texts describing, elaborating and provoking their meanings. The photographic panels are 120cm high and 300 cm long, each containing from two to five photographs in a logical, conceptual and artistic sequence. The texted panels will be propped and illuminated separately.
Gianluca Floris (1964) began his writing activity in radio at the age of sixteen. Soon after he moved to script writing for short films, video, and video documentaries, an activity which he has continued to develop up to the present day. Further more he has written various novels and short
stories for several of the most prestigious Italian editors such as Mondadori and Piemme.
His latest novel "L'inferno peggiore", was published by Piemme, Milan 2009.
Since 1991 he has been involved intensively in opera appearing as vocalist and stage director in some of the most prestigious theatres on the world stage.
His curriculum includes over fifty different principal roles. In June 2011 he will be appearing at La Scala in Milan in the opera "Attila" by Giuseppe Verdi. As a writer he is represented by the "Kalama" agency and as an operatic artist by "Stage Door Opera Management".
At the early age of 21 Antonio Saba (1966) was already a recognized emerging talent in advertising photography. Since 1995 he has been based between Los Angeles, Milan and Cagliari. Excelling in the interpretation of still life, nowadays Antonio is among the most interesting photographer on the world scene due to his rare ability to capture the iconic composition of the subject. This unique aptitude has allowed him to appear in various international contexts for his ability to apparently donate biological life to mechanical subjects and vice versa. Among his most prestigious international collaborations there are some of the leading food & living magazines such as Architectural Digest, Town and country (N.Y.), Kee Magazine (Hong Kong), Bon Appetit (Los Angeles), in Italy Bell'Italia, Gente Viaggi, Panorama, to mention just a few.
He has been chosen as the official photographer for the publication "One millionth of a second after the Big Bang" (ed. CERN 2009) documenting the construction of the LHC particle accelerator.
Since 2005 he has been rappresented by "Getty Images" and by "the wonderful Machine" in the USA.
October 31 - November 21, 2010
Tuesday-Sunday: 9.00 am - 7.00 pm; last admission 1/2 hour before closing time;
Closed Monday
Adults: € 4,50
Concessions: € 3,50
Tuesday-Friday: Staff-led tours (visitors must be accompanied by a staff member): tours start every 30 mins, from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm; length: 45 mins. Saturday and Sunday: self-guided tours. 10% discount on food and beverage at the Casina del Lago coffee bar by showing the Museum ticket purchased on the same day.
Free of charge to the visitors provided for by the current legislation.
Free of Charge and Concessions
+39 060608 (daily from 9.00 am to 9.00 pm)
Banche Tesoriere del Comune di Roma: BNL – Gruppo BNP Paribas, UniCredit Banca di Roma, Monte dei Paschi di Siena; Il Gioco del Lotto; Atac; Vodafone.
La Repubblica