Claudio Palmieri, Natural-mente. Works 1985-2015

Particolare di Natura Alchemica 2014. Tecnica mista su tavola cm.223x123
08/02 - 12/04/2015
Museo Carlo Bilotti Aranciera di Villa Borghese

Palmieri has long experimented with materials and techniques, drawing his inspiration from an original dimension of nature.

Trained in Roman art scene of the Eighties, which coalesced around the gallery L’Attico, in this exhibition Palmieri presents thirty years of a restless and original career, hovering between the seduction of matter and the conceptual gap between chromatic exuberance and geometric containment.
 The paintings, sculptures and photographs on display show how the artist draws his inspiration from an original dimension of nature thanks to the continuous experimentation of techniques and materials.
 For the Museo Bilotti, Palmieri has created a site-specific work in front of the seventeenth-century Nymphaeum. A sculptural installation and by 4 meters large paintings which create a dialogue of great expressive power with the Nymphaeum and with its history, witnessed by the ancient name of the building, "Casino dei Giochi d'Acqua".


Museo Carlo Bilotti Aranciera di Villa Borghese
Opening hours

8 February - 12 April, 2015
Tuesday-Friday: 10.00-16.00 (last admission at 15.30);
Saturday and Sunday: 10.00-19.00 (last admission at 18.30);
Monday: closed.
Please Note: please check our Notice page for special openings and/or temporary closures

Entrance ticket

Free entrance.
10% discount on food and beverage at the Casina del Lago coffee bar by showing the Museum ticket.


Infoline: +39 060608 (daily, 9.00-21.00)

Exhibition|Contemporary art
Other information

Promoted by: Roma Capitale Assessorato alla Cultura, Creatività, Promozione artistica e Turismo - Sovrintendenza Capitolina

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Sponsored by

Banche Tesoriere di Roma Capitale (BNL- Gruppo BNP Paribas, Unicredit, Monte dei Paschi di Siena), MasterCard Priceless Rome, Vodafone

Museum services: Zètema Progetto Cultura

Claudio Palmieri
Ilaria Schiaffini

Press Room

Data conferenza
06/02/2015 - 12:00
Museo Carlo Bilotti Aranciera di Villa Borghese

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